5.1 Ensure all staff have training and development opportunities in health inequalities, with priority for induction programmes and leadership and development programmes. Training should be refreshed, as relevant.

5.2 Ensure all frontline staff have training and development opportunities in ‘Making Every Contact Count’. Training should be refreshed, as relevant.

5.3 Establish programmes to improve access to employment for those from deprived areas, underrepresented ethnic minority groups, those with protected characteristics and/or inclusion health groups in your trust.

5.4 Maximise use of the apprenticeship levy to improve pathways into employment, either internally for existing staff or externally targeting groups from deprived areas, underrepresented ethnic minority groups, those with protected characteristics and/or inclusion health groups.

5.5 Establish mechanisms to support staff from deprived areas, underrepresented ethnic minority groups, those with protected characteristics and/or inclusion health groups with leadership development opportunities to ensure adequate representation across the organisation.

5.6 Develop opportunities and systems to encourage and enable staff to develop public health expertise across a range of roles.

5.7 Consider training and development opportunities on inclusion health and trauma informed practice, with priority for staff interested in becoming inclusion health specialists. Training should be refreshed, as relevant.

5.8 Work in collaboration with the executive lead for health inequalities to understand and address health inequalities experienced by staff.

5.9 Consult with staff to provide appropriate support initiatives to address health inequalities in the workforce. This could include offering access to staff networks and peer support opportunities, employee wellbeing assistance, financial support services and/or food banks for staff.