10.1 Support the delivery of quality improvement work or change programmes related to health inequalities.

10.2 Apply a health inequalities framework across quality improvement and research work, to ensure that systems and programmes do not exacerbate or perpetuate inequalities.

10.3 Maximise research assets and expertise to develop programmes of work which have the potential to reduce health inequalities.

10.4 Include reference to health inequalities within all pillars of clinical governance (e.g. patient safety, audit), including learning for individual cases and overarching themes relating to health inequalities.

10.5 Work with research partners and in partnership with other NHS organisations to ensure participation in relevant research related to health inequalities, to develop an evidence-base on the effectiveness of provider led interventions to tackle inequalities.

10.6 Build in-house capacity and capability for health inequalities research work.

10.7 Review trust data on the five clinical priorities from ‘Core20PLUS5’ to inform the development of specific work programmes in these areas (NHS England, 2021b; NHS England, 2022a).

10.8 Use available data and insights to identify the most deprived 20% of the population and agree ‘PLUS’ groups within the ‘Core20PLUS5’ framework on which the trust will focus (NHS England, 2021b; NHS England, 2022a).

10.9 Consider active case finding approaches to reduce health inequalities, such as hypertension case finding and early cancer diagnosis.

10.10 Evaluate the impact of trust initiatives to address health inequalities.

10.11 Engage with groups that may not be traditionally involved in research or quality improvement, such as those from deprived areas, underrepresented ethnic minority groups, those with protected characteristics and/or inclusion health groups.