• The Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative (MSECC) was set up in 2020 to deliver consistent and high-quality community health and care services for residents across the system. It comprises three organisations – Provide Community Interest Company (Provide CIC), Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) and North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT).
  • One example of a service now jointly provided by the collaborative is tissue viability services coordinated by the MSECC tissue viability team.
  • Prior to the formation of the MSECC tissue viability team these three services had very little interaction or shared learning from each other, meaning patients in different parts of the system were accessing different levels of care.
  • From the outset the three tissue viability teams were clear that they wanted to work in partnership as equals with no one service taking the lead role.
  • The three tissue viability teams across the collaborative started meeting regularly to review their service data and share learning from each care pathway, which led to them taking the best parts from each other's service and bringing it all together.
  • Thanks to some new investment and the shared insight from other providers, new lower limb clinics for ambulatory patients have been set up by Provide CIC in mid Essex, so that patients now have access to specialist nurses with the best practice skills and training throughout the system.
