About us

This guide has been prepared jointly by NHS Providers and Public Digital.

About Digital BoardsĀ 

This is the second guide in a series published as part of the Digital Boards programme.

Through good practice sharing and peer learning, the programme aims to build board understanding of the potential and implications of the digital agenda and increase the confidence and capability of boards to harness the opportunities it provides.

Our first guide, A new era of digital leadership, set out the key questions board members can use to check on progress of the digital agenda, and prompt board-level discussions on how to take things forward.

Alongside our guide series, a number of webinars and events are available to trust leaders, focusing on case studies of digital leadership in the NHS and other sectors and practical take homes for boards. The programme also offers free board development sessions on a bespoke basis to reflect the development needs of your organisation.

Digital Boards is supported by Health Education England and NHSX as part of their Digital Readiness programme.