
All our latest news, leading thoughts, expert opinions and practical knowledge on what NHS Providers is saying and doing to voice its members views and expertise. Keep an eye on these pages for the latest  press releases, publications and announcements.

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26 Jul 2024

Welcome intervention to address ‘failing’ CQC

Sir Julian Hartley responds to government steps to boost oversight of the Care Quality Commission

25 Jul 2024

Pressures on training all too evident

Saffron Cordery responds to findings from the GMC's national training survey

24 Jul 2024

Make children’s mental health a priority, tackle poverty

Saffron Cordery responds to a call by charities for government action to tackle poverty and boost children’s mental health.

23 Jul 2024

Trusts call for greater long-term investment in face of 'unprecedented' strain

Saffron Cordery responds to the National Audit Office report, NHS Financial Management and Sustainability

23 Jul 2024

Taskforce launched to address the lack of diversity in the NHS communications profession

Adam Brimelow comments on the launch of an independent taskforce which has been developed to provide practical recommendations for improving diversity in the NHS communications workforce.

19 Jul 2024

More nurses and midwives but battle to keep and nurture staff remains

Sir Julian Hartley responds to latest Nursing and Midwifery Council register statistics.

18 Jul 2024

Government must make inroads on social care reform

Sir Julian Hartley comments on the Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care in England by Skills for Care

17 Jul 2024

Mental health action in King’s Speech welcome

Sir Julian Hartley responds to proposed government measures outlined in the King's Speech.

15 Jul 2024

Forgotten generation of youngsters at risk from long waits as demand piles high

Sir Julian Hartley comments on findings of a new survey showing long waits for care for children and young people.

11 Jul 2024

Uphill struggle to get NHS back on track

Sir Julian Hartley responds to the latest performance statistics from NHS England and the announcement by Wes Streeting to launch an independent investigation into the state of the NHS.

08 Jul 2024

Strengthened NHS Providers leadership team

NHS Providers is pleased to confirm it has strengthened its executive team with the appointment of new directors.

05 Jul 2024

Work with us to build 'next generation' NHS for patients and staff, trusts urge new health secretary

Sir Julian Hartley responds to the appointment of Wes Streeting MP as the new health and social care secretary.

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