Opinion, comment and expertise from NHS Providers experts, leaders, members and stakeholders on key issues in the NHS today. New ideas and trusted experience from our leading thinkers and experts in NHS policy and leadership.
Merron Simpson, chief executive at The Health Creation Alliance, discusses the benefits of adopting a 'health creation' approach within the broader shift to prevention.
Saffron Cordery makes the case for fresh thinking on NHS capital investment.
Our interim chief executive, Saffron Cordery, says it’s time to give mental health the priority it deserves.
Holly Currier, healthcare improvement engagement officer at Prostate Cancer UK, discusses how the organisation are supporting NHS trusts.
Our policy advisor Rachael McKeown writes about the urgent need to tackle health inequalities.
Dr Tim Rideout, managing director of health and social care at TERN, delves into the potential of digital solutions to help address the most challenging issues in the NHS.
NHS Providers chief executive Sir Julian Hartley visits Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Maxine Taffetani, chief executive of Healthwatch Milton Keynes and appointed governor representative shares what inspired her to take on the role of governor and the insights she has learned.
The new emphasis on ICBs’ strategic role needs to be followed through in NHSE’s revised oversight and assessment framework.
Moving care from hospital to community, implementing digital transformation, and shifting from treatment to prevention are the three shifts being led by NHS trusts.
We all know that prevention is better than a cure. Yet, for children facing hardship, the national conversation is not keeping up with their most urgent needs.