The results of this year’s survey show a perception among trusts that the regulatory environment may be starting to move in the right direction, with the regulators’ efforts to ensure better alignment and consistent messages are starting to gain a welcome momentum.  However there is still further progress to be made in ensuring the current regulatory frameworks are coordinated and provide value for money. The overall burden of regulation is still seen by NHS trusts and foundation trusts to be excessive, impacting heavily on individual trusts and absorbing considerable time and resources at a time of stretched capacity.

Respondents to the survey described a situation in which autonomy is increasingly restricted and a more interventionist approach by regulators ever present. While feedback from trusts shows that they are open to receiving support, the survey also shows doubts about the effectiveness of regulatory intervention if it does not deal with the underlying causes of the current pressures facing the sector.

Respondents to the survey described a situation in which autonomy is increasingly restricted and a more interventionist approach by regulators ever present.


It is crucial in the current environment for the regulators to recognise that the improvement agenda is most effectively owned and led at a local level by provider boards and that regulation alone cannot drive improvement, overcome financial challenges or act as substitute for strong and effective leadership. 

Next steps

We are committed to working with our members and the regulators to maximise the value and benefits delivered by the current regulatory framework and how it is developed in the future. We hope that the results of this survey can help support this. We have an ongoing dialogue with the regulators and will consider the results of this survey in collaboration with them to ensure our members concerns are acted on and explore how the regulatory framework can best enable NHS providers to deliver sustainable, high quality care. We welcome the regulators commitment to working with us and our members to do this.