As national leaders consider the best approach to tackling the elective backlog, these case studies demonstrate how trusts are already taking collaborative approaches to increasing capacity and reducing long waits for patients. 

By working collaboratively, trusts can maximise investment, leverage economies of scale and support innovative workforce approaches to tackle national and system challenges. The large-scale impact of creating elective hubs can have, and is already having, a significant impact on capacity, thanks to the ability to separate "hot" and "cold" sites, protecting theatres to carry out elective procedures, and maximising utilisation of assets.

Within a constrained capital environment, the case studies demonstrate how working collaboratively at scale has enabled trusts to successfully secure major capital investment and increase activity by taking a system-wide approach to capacity. As a result, elective hubs are benefiting patients by enabling them to access the care they need in a purpose-built environment, and in a more timely and convenient way.