This survey sought to explore views in relation to boards, assurance committees and how trusts are operating in relation to the system(s) of which they’re a part. The results of this survey will be used to inform our influencing work, and feed into our board development programmes. This briefing summarises the results of the 2024 survey, and where applicable, compares the results to previous years.

The NHS Providers governance survey was sent to company secretaries, chairs and others responsible for corporate governance in trusts and foundation trusts in November 2024. The online survey was open for 6 weeks.

  • We received 124 responses to the survey from 104 unique trusts. This accounts for 50% of the sector (206 trusts in England).
  • Seventy-two percent of responses were from foundation trusts and 18% from NHS trusts.
  • All trust types and regions were represented in the responses: