NHS Providers resources

Can we talk about race, September 2023, webinar recording

Developing your EDI action plan for race, July 2023, webinar recording

NHS equality, diversity and inclusion improvement plan, next day briefing

NHS Long-term Workforce Plan, on the day briefing

NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES), on the day briefing

Wider resources

NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard 2022

NHS equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan

NHS, A fair experience for all: Closing the ethnicity gap in rates of disciplinary action across the NHS workforce

NHS Long Term workforce plan

NHS, Learning Lessons to improve our people practices

General Medical Council, Fair to Refer

Nursing and Midwifery Council, Ambitious for change

The NHS Providers Race Equality programme and the Hempsons team express thanks to the following trusts who gave their time and expertise to share case studies and learning to inform the development of this guide:

  • Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust

More information about our Race Equality programme


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