While chairing more than one provider trust presents challenges and risks, none of these are insurmountable nor are there fundamental legal or governance impediments to such arrangements.

However, there are a number of issues that the involved parties will need to consider and deal with:

  • the need for identification and delivery of benefits associated with the joint chair arrangement from the outset onwards
  • the need for a rigorous assessment of risk and agreement on how key risks will be managed
  • the need for an explicit written statement on how conflicts will be identified and managed
  • periodic reviews over time of the degree to which chairing more than one organisation is effective and sustainable
  • for arrangements involving one or more foundation trusts, the need to keep governors informed and on-board with arrangements
  • where Code of governance requirements are not complied with, the need for real consideration of an explanation to stakeholders.

Given the development of joint appointments within the NHS, and of the joint chairing role is becoming increasingly common, NHS Providers will follow these developments with interest – and ensure our support and influencing activities remain responsive to trust boards' needs.