As providers across primary and secondary care increasingly work together in a range of new collaborative arrangements, there is common agreement that new partnerships will be required to sustain and accelerate the drive to reduce the care backlog generated during the most disruptive days of the pandemic. Effective communication between primary care and secondary care colleagues will be central in supporting patients through what may be a difficult time. There are also significant opportunities to reshape the primary/secondary care interface with better use of digital technology, and to make more extensive use of data analytics to better understand of population health need and transform how it is met. We propose exploring these solutions in more detail following this initial review. We hope that this briefing shares some practical insights into how this can be achieved, building on the learning, disruption and transformation unleashed by the pandemic.


The At Scale Primary Care Networking Group brings together the leaders of an influential group of large scale primary care providers to share information, resources and ideas to help advance the development of primary care.

The At Scale Primary Care Networking Group includes thought leaders from a number of wellknown large-scale practices covering significant patient populations across the country, all with an interest and commitment to innovation which improves patient care. 

The group's leading members include:

  • GP Care Group

  • Greenwich Health

  • Intrahealth

  • Malling Health

  • Modality Partnership

  • Operose Health/AT Medics

  • Symphony Healthcare Services

  • The Hurley Group

NHS Providers is the membership organisation for the NHS hospital, mental health, community and ambulance services that treat patients and service users in the NHS. We help those NHS trusts and foundation trusts to deliver highquality, patient-focused care by enabling them to learn from each other, acting as their public voice and helping shape the system in which they operate.

NHS Providers has all trusts in voluntary membership, collectively accounting for £92bn of annual expenditure and employing more than one million staff.