There is an urgent need for interventions and support for the NHS workforce, to address concerning data on staff wellbeing, and to ensure high quality patient care. While vacancy rates and workload demands across the NHS will require action by government and national NHS bodies to resolve sustainably, the case studies in this report highlight how local, proactive measures can help to improve staff wellbeing and retention.

The key enablers to the initiatives featured in this report include access to adequate funding, senior leadership understanding and buy in, and continuous impact monitoring and evaluation for interventions. An overall understanding that staff wellbeing is everybody's business, and vital to the success of organisations, is also imperative.

The benefits to employers proactively enabling wellbeing are undeniable. With staff working in a healthier and more inclusive culture, organisations benefit from better employee morale and engagement. As trusts are continually challenged to deliver more activity within existing resources, and to maximise productivity without compromising on patient care, supporting staff and their wellbeing will be essential in achieving the asks of the NHS.