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01 Jul 2024

Home is where the heart is: Well supported community services are vital for the 'next generation' NHS

Sir Julian Hartley shares why care provided by community health services must be at the forefront of the next government's plans for a sustainable NHS.

Julian HartleyJulian Hartley
11 Jun 2024

NHS Providers responds to the Conservative Party manifesto

Sir Julian Hartley responds to the Conservative Party manifesto.

10 Jun 2024

Response to Liberal Democrats general election manifesto

Sir Julian Hartley responds to today's Liberal Democrats general election manifesto.

17 May 2024

Trust leaders face uphill battle to restore public satisfaction in the NHS

Sir Julian Hartley responds to a new report today from the Health Foundation and Ipsos on what the public thinks about the NHS in England.

19 Apr 2024

Next day briefing: CQC community mental health survey

This briefing summaries the key findings from the CQC survey, areas identified by CQC for improvement, and sets out NHS Providers' view

17 Apr 2024

Urgent need to boost social care to tackle pressure of 'delayed discharges' on NHS beds

Sir Julian Hartley responds to figures from Liberal Democrats which show that up to one in three hospital beds in England are taken up by 'delayed discharge' patients.

20 Mar 2024

Government must take urgent action to reform adult social care

Saffron Cordery responds to the Public Accounts Committee report, 'Reforming adult social care in England'.

12 Mar 2024

Community health service innovating to support people with frailty

Sir Julian Hartley comments on the Community Network's latest report 'Supporting people living with frailty'.

12 Mar 2024

Community Network: Supporting people living with frailty

The Community Network has published a briefing which highlights the benefits of supporting people with frailty in the community at every stage of the frailty care pathway.

01 Mar 2024

The elephant in the room – why social care reform must no longer be ignored

Hannah Hayes looks at what could happen if politicians fail to properly address the challenges facing social care.

Hannah HayesHannah Hayes
22 Feb 2024

'Grow up' about 'desperate state' of social care, Dilnot urges politicians

In an interview for The Provider Podcast, Sir Andrew Dilnot and Sir Julian Hartley talk about the wide-ranging challenges facing the social care sector.

13 Feb 2024

Make community and primary care a priority

Saffron Cordery responds to a call by The King's Fund for primary and community services to be put at the heart of the health and care system.

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