On the day briefing: Reforming elective care for patients

On 6 January 2025, the prime minister announced a new national plan published by NHS England (NHSE) setting out how the NHS will reform elective care for patients in England.

The government has pledged to recover the constitutional standard of 92% of patients receiving treatment within 18 weeks for planned care by March 2029. The plan not only commits to reducing waiting times but promises to build a sustainable NHS where ‘elective care looks and feels different to patients and NHS staff’.  In his speech to launch the plan, the prime minister committed to delivering 40,000 additional appointments a week within the first year of this Parliament. He touched on a few specific measures including expanding the number of surgical hubs, extending access to community diagnostic centres and reforming the NHS app.

Our on the day briefing summarises the actions and duties expected of NHS England, integrated care boards and trusts providing elective care. We also set out our view of the details of the plan.
