Next day briefing: Provider Selection Regime (PSR) draft guidance

NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care have announced that the Provider Selection Regime (PSR) – the new framework for the procurement of health services – will launch on 1 January 2024. The draft statutory guidance sets out the scope of the new procurement regime as well as the various award processes decision-making bodies may use in their procurement of healthcare services.

The aim of the PSR is to move away from competitive retendering as the default procurement process in support of a more flexible and collaborative approach to delivering services. The new regime will make it more straightforward to continue with existing service provision where arrangements are already working well.

Our next day briefing gives an overview of the statutory guidance’s contents and also includes our view of the PSR and the implications of the new regime for trusts.

If you have any reflections, feedback or questions about the guidance, please contact Sandy Cook (
