Briefing on the 2024 party conferences
The 2024 party conference season welcomed new cohorts of MPs following this summer’s general election. All three main UK parties sought to reaffirm their visions for the future. After 14 consecutive party conferences with a Conservative government, this year saw change across the board:
- The Liberal Democrats celebrated their historic 72 seats win.
- Labour kicked started their ‘change begins’ campaign.
- The Conservatives focused on their leadership contest as they ‘review and rebuild’ after their general election losses.
This briefing sets out the key announcements made by the parties, as well as the main discussion points from our roundtables. NHS Providers is a politically neutral organisation and attends each of the main party conferences to maintain and develop relationships with key influencers and highlight the achievements and concerns of our members. We hosted roundtables at each conference, with discussions focused on prevention, productivity and tackling health inequalities.