Welcome progress on longest waits for routine operations

05 June 2022

Responding to the government's update on progress in tackling NHS backlogs, the interim chief executive of NHS Providers, Saffron Cordery, said:

"It is good to see solid progress being made in tackling the longest waits for routine operations reflecting trusts' sustained efforts.

"This is particularly impressive given the pressures trusts face, including increased demand for urgent and emergency care and mental health services, and the continuing impact of COVID-19, combined with severe workforce shortages and the long term neglect of social care.

"We know there is much more to do, but trusts and their partners are showing great ingenuity and commitment to tackle delays for care and treatment, as reflected in our Providers Deliver podcast series, which also highlights their determination to address health and race inequalities as they work to tackle backlogs.

"We look forward to hearing the findings of the Messenger review, which we hope will support the development of a diverse leadership with rich, relevant and varied experiences, supported and empowered to adapt to the demands of our changing health and care environment."