Vital progress made but worrying pressures persist

09 May 2024

Responding to the latest NHS England performance data, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said: "Trusts are doing all they can to deliver the best care for patients but relentless pressure on the NHS makes a tough job even tougher.

"Thanks to hardworking staff, vital gains have been made on cancer, urgent and emergency care and some elective targets, as well as ambulance response times. 

"Trusts have also met the 28-day faster diagnosis standard for the second month in a row. This progress is no mean feat given current challenges including rising demand and severely stretched resources. 

"It's deeply concerning, though, that the elective waiting list remains stubbornly high. No patient should ever have to wait too long for the care they need.

"This is symptomatic of enormous strain on the entire NHS, including community and mental health services. 

"The government must commit to fully funding the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan to shore up staffing levels. Resolving the hugely disruptive and demoralising industrial action via talks between government and unions is also critical."