Trusts want safe and inclusive services for all patients and staff
03 June 2024
Responding to an announcement that a future Conservative government would amend the Equality Act, Saffron Cordery, the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers said:
"NHS trusts are committed to delivering safe and inclusive services for all patients and staff.
"Day in, day out, LGBTQ+ patients using hospital, mental health, ambulance and community services feel the impact of deep-rooted and long-standing disparities in healthcare. Trust leaders know more needs to be done to address these inequalities and ensure everyone can be confident in receiving the care they need.
"They also note that this announcement comes at a time when the government is consulting on similar, proposed changes to the NHS Constitution.
"It is essential that any healthcare reforms have inclusivity and eliminating discrimination at their heart while also considering the practical implications for those tasked with delivering frontline services."