Trusts must be supported nationally to improve maternity care
14 May 2024
Responding to the Birth Trauma Inquiry report, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:
"This report shines a light on the significant challenges facing maternity services and the life-changing trauma that women can experience in cases of poor-quality maternity care.
"Echoing the recent Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations report, these findings highlight the critical need for systemic and cultural changes in maternity care services.
"We welcome the recommendations to bolster support for mothers post-delivery, address the stark inequalities faced by women from marginalised groups and raise the importance of safe staffing levels to ensure high-quality care.
"But to aid trusts' ongoing commitment to improving maternity care across England, these recommendations need to be adequately funded and resourced.
"A national maternity improvement strategy that is supported by a culture of learning and teamwork, and co-developed by clinicians, is also essential."