Strengthened NHS Providers leadership team

08 July 2024

NHS Providers is pleased to confirm it has strengthened its executive team, as the new director of corporate services and finance, Caroline Harrison, takes up her post today.

We are also pleased to confirm that last week Isabel Lawicka took up the post of director of policy and strategy.

Her predecessor in that role, Miriam Deakin, successfully applied with Jenny Reindorp, our previous director of programmes, to take up the new position of NHS Providers’ director of development and engagement, in a job-share arrangement.

In a joint statement to welcome the changes, NHS Providers’ chief executive Sir Julian Hartley, and deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery, said:

These leadership changes will help ensure that NHS Providers continues to be an outstanding membership organisation for NHS trusts and foundation trusts.

“Our members face unprecedented challenges and our role in supporting and championing their work has never been more important.

“We are confident that this refreshed leadership team has the skills, experience and the commitment to take our organisation – and the work it does for our members – from strength to strength.”