Response to Liberal Democrats general election manifesto

10 June 2024

Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive, NHS Providers, in response to today's Liberal Democrats general election manifesto, said:

"Liberal Democrats have highlighted the important links between the NHS and social care.

"The NHS needs overstretched social care to have meaningful reform and long-term, sustainable funding. Thousands of hospital beds every day are taken up by patients well enough to recover at or close to home but can't be discharged often due to scarce social care capacity.

"Pledges for more early access to mental health services and investment in public health will be welcomed by trust leaders.

"Liberal Democrats have highlighted too the need for greater capital investment in NHS buildings, facilities and equipment to help trusts to boost productivity and cut waiting lists.

"Hospital, mental health, community and ambulance trusts have a vital role to play in joined-up action with government to create a healthy, equitable and productive society for years to come.

"The next government and an NHS fit for the future must work hand in hand to create the picture of health we all want to see."