Response to Labour Party general election manifesto

13 June 2024

Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive, NHS Providers, in response to today's Labour Party general election manifesto, said:

"An NHS fit for the future relies on having safe and modern buildings, facilities and equipment. Labour has acknowledged the need for greater capital investment and the importance of this to boosting productivity and cutting waiting lists. 

"There's a long way to go – including enabling digitisation of health services on an industrial scale – but by investing in eliminating the £11bn-plus repairs backlog and systematic renewal of NHS facilities, technology and buildings we will improve the quality and safety of patient care and give even greater value for money.

"The NHS is vital to the nation's health, wealth and our wellbeing as a society. Pledges to tackle race discrimination and health inequalities will be welcomed by trust leaders, as will making mental health services a priority.

"Support for the whole NHS workforce is crucial, from top down. Plans to regulate NHS managers must help trust leaders to nurture a thriving workforce and keep improving patient safety and the quality of care.

"Health services continue to experience record demand and relentless pressure on A&E departments. The next government must work hand in hand with the 'next generation' NHS – right across hospital, mental health, community health and ambulance services – to create the picture of health we all want to see."