NHS services and staff under stress

08 August 2024

Responding to the latest health service performance figures from NHS England the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, Saffron Cordery, said:


“These figures reflect a really tough summer for the NHS.

“They also show that for urgent and emergency care 2024 is on track to be the busiest year ever.

“That is putting services and staff under stress.

“Despite increased activity across services, performance on many fronts is a long way off where it needs to be.

“No one, least of all trust leaders, is complacent about that. Patient safety is paramount.

“But it is worth noting progress on the four hour A & E target.

“There’s a real priority to make further headway on ambulance response times and 12 hour waits.

“The increased elective waiting list is a further reminder of the pressures frontline staff face, and we are seeing this right across the provider sector.

“Mental health care contacts are at record levels – close to two million.

“And the community services waiting list is over one million.

“Trust leaders are working to do better for patients.

“Despite the extraordinary pressures resulting in unacceptable delays there are genuine grounds for hope.”