NHS Providers responds to Labour pledge to cut NHS waiting list

28 May 2024

Responding to the Labour Party's pledge to clear the NHS waiting list backlog over the next five years if they win the general election, Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive at NHS Providers said: 

"Hardworking staff across hospital, mental health, ambulance and community services are working flat out to reduce record-high waiting times and waiting lists. They've made hard-won progress in bringing down the longest waits and are delivering more scans, tests, operations and checks – often by working together locally.

"Trust leaders and their teams know they need to go further and faster to cut waiting times. But rising demand, squeezed NHS funding, the fallout from the pandemic and severe workforce shortages have all taken their toll.

"If political pledges are going to become a reality, trust leaders know that the next government needs to commit to sustained investment in NHS capital and digital infrastructure, staffing and social care reform – as well as resolving outstanding pay disputes and industrial action – so that patients get the timely care they deserve.

"We need all political parties to support the 'next generation NHS' to create the picture of health trust leaders want to see and that patients want."