NHS needs investment in the right staff in the right places

01 July 2024

A survey of Royal College of Nursing members found that just one third of shifts in hospitals and community health services have enough nurses.

Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive, NHS Providers, said:

"Yet more worrying findings expose the effects of severe workforce shortages in the NHS.

"Safety of patients is a top priority. Without enough of the right staff in the right places, safety and quality of care are compromised.

"A year on from publication of the NHS long-term workforce plan trusts across England still have more than 100,000 vacancies and high levels of staff burnout. We need to support people with the right cultures and environments to do their difficult jobs.

"Careers across the NHS including in community health services must be rewarded adequately otherwise it's hard to recruit and attract the people we need. An NHS fit for the future needs a thriving health and care workforce with more, meaningful investment in nursing education and training.

"It's vital for patients that the government invests in the NHS workforce."