Next government must not underestimate £11.6bn backlog challenge

18 June 2024

Responding to the Liberal Democrats' pledge to inject an extra £1bn a year into the NHS estate as new analysis estimates over 4 million patients are set to be admitted to the seven hospital trusts most impacted by dangerous Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) by 2030, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:

"Crucial chunks of the NHS estate are literally falling to bits due to chronic underinvestment. Trust leaders are deeply concerned about the impact of this on patient and staff safety – their top priority.

"For too long, old buildings and equipment have been hampering the delivery of safe, timely, high-quality care.

"Pledges of greater investment in the NHS estate are welcome, but we must not underestimate the scale of the challenge at hand. Trusts face £11.6bn backlog of essential repairs – up by more than 13% since 2021-22.

"The next government must commit to equipping the NHS with the resources it needs now and in the long term – and not just in hospitals but in mental health, community health and ambulance services, too."