'Next generation' NHS must be at the heart of election debate

22 May 2024

Trust leaders have urged politicians to "rally round the next generation NHS" after a 4 July general election was announced.

Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive, NHS Providers, said:

"We urge politicians to rally round our 'next generation' NHS. We need health services fit for the future with patients and communities at the heart of conversations.

"Public satisfaction with the NHS is at an all-time low, reflecting many people's experiences of the relentless pressure on GPs, hospitals, ambulances and mental health and community health services. But public support for the fundamental principles of the NHS remains rock-solid.

"Demand for health and social care services is increasing and getting more complex as providers and staff work flat out in tough conditions to give patients safe, first-class care.

"The next government and the NHS must work hand in hand to create the picture of health for the nation we all want to see."

In A picture of health: delivering the next generation NHS trusts set out a vision of how government and health services can work together to maximise the social and economic value of the NHS and:

The prescription sets out how hospital, mental health, community and ambulance trusts have a vital role to play, working with government and local partners to create "a healthy, equitable and productive society for years to come". NHS spending is good for the economy and regional growth. Every £1 spent on healthcare returns £4 in increased productivity and employment.