CQC in 'urgent need of reform'

27 June 2024

Responding to comments from the interim chief executive of Care Quality Commission (CQC) in HSJ that the regulator needs to 'improve' the way it works, the chief executive of NHS Providers, Sir Julian Hartley said:

"CQC has confirmed what trust leaders have long known: the regulator is in urgent need of reform.

"As our recent report showed, trust leaders support the important role of regulation in ensuring high-quality healthcare services but have repeatedly raised concerns about the CQC's approach.

"We now have a critical opportunity to reset the relationship between CQC and healthcare providers.

"Trust leaders want to see collaborative and transparent relationships between regulators and healthcare providers and a responsive regulatory regime which is driven by the principles of proportionality, consistency, transparency, and agility.

"They're also calling for a series of changes, ranging from improving the training, attitude and behaviours of CQC inspection teams to better reflecting challenging operational circumstances in its reports.

"NHS Providers is ready and willing to work with Kate Terroni and CQC to help create an effective regulatory regime that not only ensures high-quality services for patients but supports providers in their journey towards improvement and innovation, too."