Do you work in an 'optimistic hospital'?

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20 September 2018

Florent Amion
Hospital Optimista Foundation

Do you work for a healthcare organisation?


Bravo! Yes, bravo! Your mission is the dream of many others, your profession is the product of many years of research, of many mistakes and of many collective and individual achievements. Thanks to you, there are many who breathe again, sigh, love, dream, in a word, live... Cheers for it! 

Every day you devote yourself so that the quality of life of your patients improves...

Florent Amion    President

Every day you devote yourself so that the quality of life of your patients improves, you go through the corridors of your hospital in a hurry, one minute can change everything and at the end of the day you feel exhausted. Stress and fatigue have begun to form part of your daily life and have begun to influence both your personal and professional life. You are no longer the same as before, emotional fatigue has invaded you and your colleagues and friends notice it.


You're not the only one


The third European working conditions survey (Eurofound 2000) identifies stress as the second most frequent illness. This positions work-related stress as one of the main problems for health and safety at work in Europe.

The socio-sanitary sector is one of those with the highest percentage of burnout. A study carried out by the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine, which brings together 4,300 family doctors, found that 68.3% of family doctors feel 'burned out'.

Faced with this alarming data for the psycho-social health of our professionals and their ability to adequately care for their patients, it is important to value initiatives that seek to improve humanisation in hospitals in order to 'care for the caregiver'.


Offering help to the health professional


There are many ways to offer help to the health professional.

They can be linked to organisational development:

  • Which leadership model does the centre promote?
  • What are the key performance indicators?
  • Are there policies that generate psychological security for their workers?

Or have to do with professional development:

  • Is there a policy of continuous training?
  • Are you training to communicate better both vertically and horizontally?

Or be included in the area of personal development:

  • Are there campaigns to promote healthy living?
  • Are there spaces for stretching, meditation etc.?

The Hospital Optimista Awards were created in 2015 with the aim of highlighting the magnificent initiatives that flourish in different hospitals and healthcare centres throughout Spain. Since then, hundreds of healthcare teams have been competing in a friendly fashion in these awards organised by the Fundación Hospital Optimista to be recognised as 'Hospital Optimista'.

And what about you? Do you work in an 'optimistic hospital'?

Florent joins us on day one of our annual conference and exhibition this year as the after dinner speaker. To view the programme or to book your place visit the website.

About the author

Florent Amion profile picture

Florent Amion

Florent Amion is an executive coach, with a master's degree in B2B marketing, business administration and European commercial law. He has led Vygon Spain in the implementation of a humanistic management model that allows the alignment of processes and people with the aim of guaranteeing good organisational health in the long run. This new model has led it to inaugurate in May 2014 the first 'optimistic building' in Spain, as well as conceive the 'optimistic hospital awards' in 2015. The success of the optimistic hospital awards and the demand by healthcare organisations about a methodology that allows them to improve their management models has led him to write a book in 2018: 'Dreaming of an optimistic hospital'.

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