Improvement: Building improvement capacity and capability, March 2025
Date: 24 March 2025
Time: 15:00
Venue: Virtual event via Zoom
Please join us for an online peer learning event on Monday 24 March 2025 at 3.00pm exploring how trusts are building their improvement capacity and capability.
One of the five components of NHS IMPACT is building improvement capability and capacity. This is crucial because it empowers an organisation to consistently identify and address issues, leading to better performance, increased efficiency, higher quality outputs, and a more adaptable culture by equipping employees with the knowledge, skills, and tools to proactively make improvements across all levels.
This peer-learning event offers an opportunity to hear from trusts who share their experiences, strategies, and lessons learned in building improvement capacity and capability, including speakers:
- Shevaun Mullender - Head of Clinical Quality Improvement capability, Mid and South Essex Foundation Trust
- Sarah Khan - Quality Improvement Facilitator, Mid and South Essex Foundation Trust
- Michael Twigg - Head of Research Development, Evaluation and Quality Improvement, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- Jenny Lane - Quality Improvement Lead, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Participants will get to hear how these trusts have successfully scaled their improvement efforts, developed blended training programs, and created impactful change in healthcare services.
This session aims to share practical insights, strategies, and tools for building improvement capacity and capability. This is a supportive space to hear what others have been doing to tackle this challenge and share your own experiences.
There will be dedicated time to ask questions and share reflections. This event offers an opportunity to step back, reflect, learn from each other’s experiences and take away practical insights to consider how these could be applied in your own context.
How do I book?
This event is for all members and attendance at this event is free; please book using the link at the top of the page. Further details, including the agenda and joining instructions for the session, will be circulated in due course.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Improvement team.