Chance to review and reset the NHS' relationship with patients

30 April 2024

Responding to the publication of a consultation to update the NHS Constitution for England, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:

"This consultation marks a once in a decade opportunity to review and reset the NHS' relationship with patients.

"Trust leaders are committed to creating a responsive and effective NHS which meets the current and future health needs of all the patients and communities they serve.

"It is vital that any proposed changes to the NHS Constitution have inclusivity and eliminating discrimination at their heart.

"Day in, day out, patients and communities using hospital, mental health, ambulance and community services feel the impact of deep-rooted and long-standing disparities.

"Trust leaders are committed to addressing these inequalities and ensuring everyone can be confident in receiving the care they need. They also know more needs to be done to improve patient safety across the NHS.

"Care should always be a partnership between clinical teams, patients and their families. The consultation's inclusion of new rapid reviews for patients whose conditions are deteriorating reinforces the critical importance of this.

"Experience has shown that a rapid review of a patient's condition prompted by staff, families or carers has led to improved care and lives being saved. The roll-out of Martha's Rule will help ensure that concerns about a patient's care in hospital are heard and acted upon more consistently.

"Over the coming weeks, NHS Providers will consult its members on this critical consultation."